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  • Writer's pictureBen Painter

Report: FC Vibes 5-2 13 FC

Vibes through to the next round of the Ste Tierney after another romping of 13 FC

Vibes started perfectly, putting 13 on the front foot from the off and in the seventh minute skipper Craig Altringham, with his first of the season, opened the scoring.

Jack Stonehouse whipped in a corner and Altringham was there to fire it home and put Vibes in front.

Vibes doubled their lead in a dominant first half in the 33rd minute as Charlie Ord was played through on goal but he missed his chance and it fell to Joe Boarder who powered it in - his first goal of the season also.

Three minutes later 13 got one back, number 20 for 13 worked his way into the box and squeezed it past Adam Linsel against the run of play.\

However, Vibes made it 3-1 moments later as Michael Gallagher off the bench whipped in a great cross which Ben Relton got on the end of and knocked the ball past the keeper and into the bottom corner.

But straight away from the kick-off 13 broke away down the right-hand side and whipped in a cross which met the head of the number 18 who was free in the box and headed home - making it 3-2 in the 40th minute.

After some changes not long after the second half kicked off, the game settled down with no goals - Vibes much in control but 13 with a few chances to equalise but nothing troubling of the Vibes defence.

It took up until the 90th minute for Vibes to get another, Jamie Jobson played a defence-splitting pass out on the left to Michael Snowdon who put away his chance and seen off the game.

It was not over for Vibes and Ord got on the score sheet, Jobson played a ball inside to Ord turned and powered it in making it 5-2 and firmly cementing Vibes' place in the next round of the Ste Tierney.

MOTM goes to Lewis Boylen in the midfield, typical Boylo game controlled the midfield and tempo and constantly retained possession.


Adam Linsel - 6

Elliott Campbell - 6

Tom Lea - 8

Ben Ward - 7

Olly Burrows - 6

Lewis Boylen - 8 MOTM

Craig Altringham - 5

Charlie Ord - 6

Jack Stonehouse - 6

Ben Relton - 7

Joe Boarder - 6



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