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  • Writer's pictureBen Painter

Report: FC Vibes 2-2 Lion

Nothing to separate the two sides as Vibes draw 2-2 with Lion O'Malley's in Premier League clash

The game was fairly open in the first half, with both sides having chances at their respective ends. Adam Linsel provided Vibes with some vital sides including a spectacular double save early in the game.

Lion were the side that broke the deadlock in the 23rd minute, a ball over the top beat the Vibes defence and the number 9 chipped the oncoming shotstopper.

In the 30th minute Lion doubles their lead, after some great play in the attacking third the ball found its way to number 7, who placed a shot into the bottom corner.

Vibes did not rest on their laurels, however, and 10 minutes later halved the deficit, Michael Snowdon whipped in an inch-perfect ball into the back post which found Ollie Watt, and he squeezed it into the near post with a little help from the keeper.

After a change at halftime Vibes were back out looking to get something from the game, and it took just two minutes to find a goal.

The Lion keeper took a poor touch which allowed Aiden Lamb to pounce and win the ball, his tackle found Watt who tucked the ball away into the empty net.

But that was all she wrote, both sides had chances to win it but nothing testing of either keeper and the game ended with two goals apiece.

Man of the match goes to Adam Linsel after a superb shift in net. Dick of the day to Craig Altringham who had to get a taxi down, forgetting his boots in the process. UTV.



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