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  • Writer's pictureBen Painter

Report: AFC Supporters 6-0 FC Vibes

Supporters thrash Vibes in return to football following the lockdown - a day to forget.

It did not take long for Supporters as they opened the scoring five minutes in as a tame effort trickled its way in from outside of the area.

20 minutes in Supporters doubled their lead with a great ball across the box and a simple tap in.

Nine minutes later as a goal similar to the first one found its way in and Vibes found themselves three goals down.

Halftime ended with just the three goals and Vibes started to find a bit of momentum towards the first half but nothing concrete.

Three changes were made at the break in attempt to rescue a comeback - or keep the score at 3-0.

However, disaster struck and Supporters got a comical fourth as the ball was headed across the goal and rebounded off the far post onto John Sutherland's face and into the goal.

In the 59th minute Supporters got a fifth after a good save from Sutherland, the shot was parried to another Supporters attacker who finished well - unfortunate goal.

The sixth and final goal came as Supporters got another chance and Karl Martin cleared it off the line but only to a Supporters man who turned it into the back of the net.

A bad day at the office for Vibes against a good side, but despite that it is good to be back and we certainly go again.

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